Congratulations to our July Volunteer of the Month, Jan Ryan!
Congratulations to our July Volunteer of the Month, Jan Ryan!
Jan Ryan spent most of her career as an accountant. At the age of 55 she decided that she wasn’t done learning and that she wanted to go back to school for Early Childhood Education. After spending a few years as a teacher, she decided it was time to learn something new again.
Why did Jan choose to become a CASA Volunteer? She shared there is no better way to give back than to work with children who have experienced abuse and neglect.
Jan was sworn-in as a CASA Volunteer a little over five years ago and since then has worked on three different cases. While every case has had its ups and downs, it’s the special moments in between that remind her of why she’s here in the first place.
“When I first met CASA kid, they were shut down. They barely talked to me and I could tell they weren’t happy or in a good spot. After working with them for a couple of months and being that caring adult they were looking for, I got my first hug from them. It was so rewarding to see them find comfort in me.”
In 2019 she decided to take on the role of a Peer Coordinator, but that didn’t stop her from taking cases herself. “I will always have a case of my own because it is why I became a CASA Volunteer in the first place.” Peer Coordinators are experienced, specially trained volunteers who step into a supervisory role to assist other CASA Volunteers.
Jan’s journey to never stop learning has led to her to being such a valued part of our CASA family and our Volunteer of the Month! Jan would like to let anyone who is thinking of becoming a CASA Volunteer know that this is the most rewarding and fulfilling work you will ever do.
Interested in learning more about what it takes to become a CASA Volunteer? Join us for our next CASA 101!