Congratulations to our July, August, and September Volunteers of the Month!

JULY – Jamie Bunker

Jamie is a Colorado native who attended CSU where she gained her degree in microbiology. In 2018 she saw a posting for the volunteer position on a volunteering website and realized this was a good way to connect with her community.

Jamie was sworn in as an advocate in early November 2018 and within two weeks was assigned to her first case. Since then, she has had 5 cases and served 14 children from toddler to teenager. When asked what is the most important aspect of being a CASA Volunteer Jamie replied, “Providing consistency is the biggest part of the role. Always being there if I say I will. And always integrating what the child wants with what the family can provide to help build up the family.”

Her supervisor shared that Jamie has always been willing to accept cases that have been presented to her as “hard.” She does an exceptional job of bonding with the children on her cases.  She does everything from playing with them, helping them with homework and doing special projects such as baking with them. The 14 children that she has served have been very lucky to have Jamie in their lives. Because of her amazing commitment and advocacy skills, we are proud to name Jamie Bunker Volunteer of the month for July 2022! Thank you, Jamie!

AUGUST – Lucie Tran

Lucie learned about CASA from her colleague Sonya Starr, CASA Volunteer, who shared her experience and that there was a continued need for volunteers.  Growing up in Adams County, Lucie wanted to give back to her community. Lucie completed her training in March of 2022 and was sworn in by the court in April 2022.

Lucie’s Supervisor, Tonya McIntosh had this to say, “Lucie was sworn in as an Advocate and immediately stepped outside her comfort zone.  Even though she had little experience with babies, she chose an infant for her first case.  Lucie jumped right in and became part of the team, making her first visit to the child within days of our case opening meeting.  Lucie was very engaged throughout her appointment, attending staff alignment meetings before hearings, and requesting referrals for services and resources for the family.  In part due to her team’s diligence, her first case closed only 9 months after opening with a successful reunification with the parents.  Lucie was eager to start a new case and requested another infant, demonstrating her dedication to the purest form of advocacy: speaking for pre-verbal children.  Lucie is an outstanding Advocate who deserves recognition for her stellar performance.  She is a pleasure to work with.”

Thank you, Lucie, for your advocacy efforts for the children in Adams and Broomfield Counties!

SEPTEMBER – Luis Echeverria

Luis is originally from Mexico City and grew up in Southern California. After spending 9 years in Seattle, he moved to Colorado in 2019. Luis had an expansive career in expedition travel for 17 years and from that was able to travel the world many times over. While he loved his career, he realized his career and personal value system did not align so he began to seek out volunteer opportunities and made a career change. Luis is now the Operations manager for a nonprofit that serve families with children who are enduring critical illness. Luis was introduced to CASA and seeing the need for Spanish speakers joined the CASA team and was sworn in before the court in July 2022.

Luis’s first case is a Magistrate and Caseworker Referral that asked for a Spanish speaking CASA. Luis was happy to jump in and work with a child who had witnessed domestic violence repeatedly. Luis has jumped right in and is building a great relationship with this child and his caretaker.