Congratulations to our CASA Appreciation Award Winners
In July we took a moment to celebrate some very important people that have made a huge impact on our CASA program. All of them are making a difference in the lives of children and families in our community and impacting their journey in ways that we cannot put into words. Together, we are so much stronger than we could ever be on our own. Congratulations to this year’s award winners! We are proud to work alongside each of you to serve children who have experienced abuse and neglect in Adams and Broomfield Counties. Thank you for all that you do. Check out this video featuring all of our award winners and learn more about what motivates them.
Congratulations to this year’s award winners! We are proud to work alongside each of you to serve children who have experienced abuse and neglect in Adams and Broomfield Counties. Thank you for all that you do.
Check out this video featuring all of our award winners and learn more about what motivates them.
Guardian ad Litem/Counsel for Youth of the Year - Kris Pedro
Guardian ad Litem/Counsel for Youth of the Year - Kris Pedro
This award recognizes an Adams or Broomfield GAL/Counsel for Youth who has exemplified the best of the profession’s values and works diligently to ensure best practices and collaboration with the professional team and the appointed CASA. Kris was nominated because she keeps the needs of the children and families at the forefront of everything she does. She is compassionate, transparent, humble, forward thinking, and decisive. She understands that embracing diversity empowers children of all backgrounds.

Rising Star of the Year - Tim McIntire
Rising Star of the Year - Tim McIntire
This award is presented to a CASA who has advocated on a case a minimum of 6 months to maximum of 12 months and has contributed outstanding advocacy while partnering and collaborating with the professional team and family involved. Tim understands the CASA Volunteer role instinctively and is always fair and approachable. His professionalism and dedication come through at every hearing.

Peer Coordinator of the Year - Christine Polliard
Peer Coordinator of the Year - Christine Polliard
Our Peer Coordinators are seasoned volunteers who take on the role of supporting and coaching our CASA Volunteer Advocates. The Peer Coordinator of the Year Award recognizes an individual who continuously goes above and beyond to support, guide, and coach their CASA volunteers to advocate on behalf of children and their families. Christine is passionate and dedicated. She is somehow managing to always find time to support her volunteers, CASA events, and fundraising efforts. Her warm and enthusiastic approach to life encourages us all to do and be our best every day!

Board Member of the Year - Dawn Davis
Board Member of the Year - Dawn Davis
The Board of Directors provide guidance and support to our program, staff and volunteers. This award is presented to a Board Member who has demonstrated outstanding service to the CASA program by providing extraordinary support and leadership. Dawn is a fierce advocate for CASA in all aspects of her life. Her story is inspiring, and her willingness to share uplifts us all.

Community Partner of the Year - City and County of Broomfield
Community Partner of the Year - City and County of Broomfield
This award is presented to an organization or company that donates their time, resources and talent for the benefit of our CASA program and the children that we serve. Their unrelenting commitment and passion for the children that we serve is impossible to go unnoticed. The City and County of Broomfield formalized their partnership with CASA through a Letter of Understanding in which they help recruit CASA Volunteers, provide financial support, and assist in spreading awareness. We are so grateful for their support which helps us reach more children and families in the community.

Judicial Officer of the Year - Judge Caryn Datz
Judicial Officer of the Year - Judge Caryn Datz
CASA is fortunate to work with a dedicated, committed judicial staff that safeguards our community’s children. This award recognizes an Adams or Broomfield Judicial Officer who has gone above and beyond to support the CASA program and individual CASA volunteers. Judge Datz really listens to CASA Volunteers and takes their insights to heart. She is always professional while maintaining empathy and compassion for those in her courtroom. She is level-headed, rational, and practical while leaving space for humanity and emotions.

Caseworker of the Year - Brooke Want
Caseworker of the Year - Brooke Want
Our CASA Volunteer Advocates work alongside Adams & Broomfield Counties’ caseworkers to safeguard the best interests of the children we serve. The Caseworker of the Year Award is presented to an individual caseworker who exemplifies the best of the profession’s values and works diligently to ensure best practices and collaboration with the professional team and the CASA appointed. Brooke goes above and beyond to give each case 100%. She respects and values the CASA, creating a positive and supportive team for each kiddo. Every CASA that works with her has had positive feedback.

Marlene Wiske, CASA Volunteer Advocate of the Year - Afsheen Ahmad
Marlene Wiske, CASA Volunteer Advocate of the Year - Afsheen Ahmad
Marlene Wiske, a dear and devoted part of the CASA Family, passed away on October 31, 2016. Marlene dedicated 15 years of her life as a CASA Volunteer Advocate and this award is in her honor. This award recognizes a volunteer who has advocated to case closing, contributed outstanding advocacy while partnering and collaborating with the professional team and family involved. Afsheen has gone above and beyond for her CASA and their family in a time of great challenges. Her dedication, compaction, and consistency have proved to be a vital resource to the entire family in a time of great need. Her steady nature, and relentless effort have proven to us all that she is strong, capable, and a model of empathy.