Congratulations to our 2024 Award Winners

In July we took a moment to celebrate some very important people who have made a huge impact on our CASA program. All of them are making a difference in the lives of children and families in our community and impacting their journey in ways that we cannot put into words. Together, we are so much stronger than we could ever be on our own. Congratulations to this year’s award winners! We are proud to work alongside each of you to serve the at-risk children and youth in Adams and Broomfield Counties.

Congratulations to this year’s award winners! We are proud to work alongside each of you to serve children who have experienced abuse and neglect in Adams and Broomfield Counties. Thank you for all that you do.

Check out this video featuring all of our award winners and learn more about what motivates them.

Guardian ad Litem/Counsel for Youth of the Year - Stefan Fredricksmeyer

Guardian ad Litem/Counsel for Youth of the Year - Stefan Fredricksmeyer

This award recognizes an Adams or Broomfield GAL/Counsel for Youth who has exemplified the best of the profession’s values and works diligently to ensure best practices and collaboration with the professional team and the appointed CASA.

Stefan Fredricksmeyer is described as caring, calm, and empathetic. He goes out of his way to ensure families have the resources they need, is flexible in scheduling visits, and incredibly responsive. Stefan ensures the appointed CASAs are up to date on all aspects of his cases. One CASA Volunteer said, “His respect for the families, as well as his considerate nature and inclusion of the CASAs in team matters make him an outstanding GAL/CFY.”

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Rising Star of the Year - Bozica Van Landingham

Rising Star of the Year - Bozica Van Landingham

This award is presented to a CASA who has advocated on a case a minimum of 6 months to a maximum of 12 months and has contributed outstanding advocacy, while partnering and collaborating with the professional team and family involved.

Bozica Van Landingham is a passionate Advocate, who never shies away from hard truths and difficult decisions. She took on an incredibly challenging case, leading with nothing but integrity and compassion. Bozica communicates often with the professional team and adds quality recommendations with every report. Her supervisor said, “The child she serves has been let down and abandoned all his life, and she’s determined to change his destiny.”

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Peer Coordinator of the Year - Pam White

Peer Coordinator of the Year - Pam White

Peer Coordinators are experienced, specially trained volunteers who step into a supervisory role to assist other CASA Volunteers. The Peer Coordinator of the Year Award recognizes an individual who continuously goes above and beyond to support, guide, and coach their CASA volunteers to advocate on behalf of children and their families.

Pam White is hard-working, thorough and wise. Her supervisor shared, “She always brings her best to every situation. Pam knows the CASA role as well as anybody, and she just instinctively understands what it takes to make people feel at ease and in capable hands. I never have to worry about what she’s doing; I simply know it’s getting done. And if she’s asked to do a little more, she does it happily.”

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Philanthropists of the Year - Michael and Missy Salter

Philanthropists of the Year - Michael and Missy Salter

The Philanthropists of the Year Award recognizes an individual/indviduals who have generously supported CASA of Adams & Broomfield Counties through their time, treasure and talent.

Michael and Missy Salter have been a part of the CASA family for more than a decade. They continually share the CASA mission with their network, helping to bring in new volunteers and supporters. Missy is a longtime CASA Volunteer, dedicating countless hours to 6 cases over the course of 11 years, serving 8 children during that time. In addition, they have made CASA a priority in their philanthropic giving and honor their daughter’s memory by financially supporting the recruitment, training, and supervision of other CASA Volunteers.

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Judicial Officer of the Year - Magistrate Lord-Blegen

Judicial Officer of the Year - Magistrate Lord-Blegen

CASA is fortunate to work with dedicated and committed Judicial Officers who safeguard our community’s children. This award recognizes an Adams or Broomfield Judicial Officer who has gone above and beyond to support the CASA program and individual CASA volunteers.

Magistrate Lord-Blegen is kind, compassionate and inclusive. She has been instrumental in the success of our new Truancy Program and ensures every CASA’s voice is heard in court. She continually advises parents on the CASA role before one is even appointed, ensuring full buy-in and cooperation from the family. She is solutions-oriented, often brainstorming with the professional team, and advocates for a team effort in every instance.

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Caseworker of the Year - Natalie Greaves

Caseworker of the Year - Natalie Greaves

Our CASA Volunteers work alongside Adams & Broomfield Counties’ caseworkers to safeguard the best interests of the children we serve. The Caseworker of the Year Award is presented to an individual caseworker who exemplifies the best of the profession’s values and works diligently to ensure best practices and collaboration with the professional team and the CASA appointed.

Natalie Greaves is humble, adaptable, collaborative, and carries herself with the utmost integrity. One CASA Volunteer shared, “Natalie sees the good in all people. She works tirelessly to ensure the needs of the girls on our case are met, and that the parents involved feel dignity.” This caseworker is kind to all parties involved, and always assumes the best intentions of everyone.

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Marlene Wiske, CASA Volunteer Advocate of the Year - Anu Anupindi

Marlene Wiske, CASA Volunteer Advocate of the Year - Anu Anupindi

Marlene Wiske was a dear and devoted part of the CASA Family. Marlene dedicated 15 years of her life as a CASA Volunteer and this award is in her honor. This award recognizes a volunteer who has advocated to case closing, contributed outstanding advocacy while partnering and collaborating with the professional team and family involved.

Anu Anupindi has been a CASA Volunteer for three years and is currently serving on her third case. She is highly collaborative and a great communicator, always keeping the professional team in the loop by giving updates on how the children on her case are doing. Anu is an attentive, detail-oriented, and dedicated CASA Volunteer. She has an incredibly giving heart and is a loving, stable presence for the children she serves.

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Board Member of the Year - Bob Grant

Board Member of the Year - Bob Grant

This award is presented to a Board Member who has demonstrated outstanding service to the CASA program by providing extraordinary support and leadership.

Bob Grant has dedicated an outstanding 23 years to the CASA Program. At the end of June, he retired from the CASA Board of Directors after 18 years of service, including 4 years as Board Chair. Bob fosters a spirit of collaboration, bringing both individuals and businesses to the table to strengthen CASA’s network. Integrity is at the heart of everything he does, ensuring the highest quality services and responsible stewardship of resources.

To honor his longtime commitment to CASA’s mission, Bob was recently inducted as an Emeritus Board Member.

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