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Trauma Informed Care 201

Day after day, many of us work with children, families and staff who have experienced trauma, yet we often do not know how to respond to their needs. As a result, more childcare centers, schools and other service provision agencies are expanding their work to become “trauma-informed and resilient organizations,” which is defined as: “the program, organization and system that realizes the widespread impact of trauma and understands the paths for recovery; recognizes the signs and symptoms of trauma in children, families and staff; responds by fully integrating knowledge about trauma into policies, procedures and practices; and, seeks to actively resist re-traumatization (Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration).” During this training, we will unpack the key concepts of trauma informed care and will explore how the culture of an organization can support staff while also creating safe, supportive environments for families and children through trauma informed policies and practices.

Presenter: Emma Skok
Denver Children’s Advocacy Center